Friday, November 30, 2012

ALS 2 years

Two years ago today I heard these three words, You have ALS. Sixteen days later a baby came into our lives and he breathed life into our devastated existence. God knows exactly what we need and He knew we needed Ryan.  His timing is always perfect. I have to admit these last two years have been a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. But God has been with us giving each one of us strength each day to face this beast. My home is inundated with machines, medications, tubes and formula. 
Today I am grateful for toes and fingers that still wiggle, for arms and legs that still move, my feeding tube that nourishes me, my DPS that keeps my diaphragm strong and technology that allows me to communicate.
I am thankful for my husband who daily tells me I am beautiful and that he loves me. I am grateful for my daughter who is my best friend and my biggest cheerleader, a son in law who is compassionate, my grandson who gives me reason to get up everyday, my son who is strong and has brought laughter into our lives and a daughter in law who understands my signing.  I am grateful to my sister who has held me when I cried and prays with me. I am thankful for the family and friends that visit me. I am thankful for mama who believes I will be healed. Most of all I am thankful for Jesus who gives me mercy and grace. 
You can read another great post by my daughter. 

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